Islay and Pip met through their eldest daughters 14 years ago, having since had two further children each (all boys) they found they had a lot in common, not only their children but also their desire to balance the demands and joys of raising a family with the desire to create and build something for others.

Butterflies & Bees began in 2012, and was started by Pip's sister, Jo, who wanted to create a personal and fun product with a touch of luxury. When the opportunity to take on Butterflies & Bees came along in 2016, Islay and Pip decided that this could be their ideal solution to find the work/life balance they were seeking.
We are delighted to be able to offer a product that we believe brings a spark of creativity and a sumptuous end to bath time. Perfect to fill your own home but also to offer as gifts to grand parents, God children, teachers, anyone at all.